Parenting Styles & Child Behavior Outcome (one in person course)
Parenting Styles & Child Behavior Outcome (one in person course)
Austin, TX
One in person course
Saturday, August 5 2023
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Let's talk about Sex
Let's talk about Sex
Tacoma, WA
This materclass will address sex (right or worng), intimacy, bounaries and standards after narcissist abuse.
Saturday, October 19 2024
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Processing the Grief and Loss after Narcissist Abuse
Processing the Grief and Loss after Narcissist Abuse
Zoom Course and support group with Q&A
Saturday, May 6 2023
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Manipulators and What Drives them
Manipulators and What Drives them
Austin, TX
One in person course
Saturday, August 5 2023
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
Breaking Codependency
Breaking Codependency
Austin, TX
One in person course
Saturday, August 5 2023
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
3rd Annual Overcoming Narcissist Abuse Conference; The Truth about Narcissist Abuse Trauma
3rd Annual Overcoming Narcissist Abuse Conference; The Truth about Narcissist Abuse Trauma
Los Angeles, CA
The effects on the mind, body, family and community Presenting Helen Saddler - "Your Destiny Helper," Kathy Gibson - "My Life is Intentional," Bridget Griffin - "Domestic Violence Advocate for the Victims First Program," and presenting our newest speaker Dr. Paula Tucker- Clinical Associate Profes…
Saturday, July 29 2023
8:00 AM
11:00 PM
Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics
Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics
Trauma/Stress related Disorders - Codependecny/The Enablers
Saturday, May 20 2023
12:00 PM
2:30 PM
Parenting Styles & child behavior outcome, Manipulators and What drives them, Breaking Codependency
Parenting Styles & child behavior outcome, Manipulators and What drives them, Breaking Codependency
Austin, TX
3 in person classes 1. Parenting Styles and Child Behavior Outcome 2. Manipulators and What Drives Them 3. Breaking Codpendency Purchase of all three courses include 1 hour discusson and Q&A
Saturday, August 5 2023
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Psych-educational Support Group
Psych-educational Support Group
Help Me! I’m hurting so bad. The discard, the betrayal, the pain. Trusting the process.
Saturday, October 14 2023
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
Overcoming Narcissist Abuse 4th Annual Conference
Overcoming Narcissist Abuse 4th Annual Conference
Tacoma, WA
Breaking Generational Trauma and Demagnetizing from the Narcissist General Admissions for conference 8am to 5pm including 4-5pm Breaking Codpendency and Processing Grief ad Loss oafter Narcissist abuse - 16 different types of griefs. VIP- White formal event and dinner from 7-11pm with Apostle Hel…
Saturday, July 27 2024
8:00 AM
11:00 PM